Judge expected to announce Kilpatrick restitution

I’ve cleared my calendar for this afternoon so I can watch online as the saga of the former mayor of Detroit unfolds.

Kwame Kilpatrick will again face Wayne County Circuit Judge David Groner, who is expected to announce his decision regarding Kilpatrick’s restitution payments to the city of Detroit.

According to a story in The Detroit News, Kilpatrick has paid less than 10 percent of the $1 million he was ordered to pay as part of his sentence in the so-called text message scandal.

Kilpatrick had argued that he can’t pay the $6,000 per month as ordered by the court. But prosecutors say he’s not been forthcoming about his finances, and if he can afford pricey cars and rent in a swanky neighborhood and luxuries such as plastic surgery for his wife, he can afford to pony up even more than $6,000 per month.

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